
Exercise Science, B.S. Track


All majors must make a minimum of a C-/1.7 in all required major courses, including technical requirements. Majors who fail to make a C-/1.7Ìýin any required course must repeat that course until the satisfactory grade has been earned.


Students majoring in Community Health, Exercise Science, or Sports Management and judged qualified by faculty may, upon invitation, elect to pursue honors work in HESS. (Health, Exercise Science and Sport Science).ÌýTo graduate "With Honors in HESS," students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 and a minimum major GPA of 3.5. The student must complete , , and , with a minimum grade of 3.0/B in each course. In addition, the student must present a thesis either before the faculty or at an appropriate professional conference.

Exercise science students study the scientific aspects of human movement. The exercise science curriculum builds on a basic science foundation to expand your understanding of practical and applied issues related to the human body's response to physical activity.

Courses include the study of exercise physiology, biomechanics and kinesiology, sports nutrition, psychology of sport and physical activityÌýand more.Through course work and hands-on-experience, we will give you a foundation in science and the frameworks in practical and applied exercise science.