Exercise Science, B.S. Track
All majors must make a minimum of a C-/1.7 in all required major courses, including technical requirements. Majors who fail to make a C-/1.7Ìýin any required course must repeat that course until the satisfactory grade has been earned.
Students majoring in Community Health, Exercise Science, or Sports Management and judged qualified by faculty may, upon invitation, elect to pursue honors work in HESS. (Health, Exercise Science and Sport Science).ÌýTo graduate "With Honors in HESS," students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 and a minimum major GPA of 3.5. The student must complete HES 385, HES 390, and HES 499, with a minimum grade of 3.0/B in each course. In addition, the student must present a thesis either before the faculty or at an appropriate professional conference.
Exercise science students study the scientific aspects of human movement. The exercise science curriculum builds on a basic science foundation to expand your understanding of practical and applied issues related to the human body's response to physical activity.
Courses include the study of exercise physiology, biomechanics and kinesiology, sports nutrition, psychology of sport and physical activityÌýand more.Through course work and hands-on-experience, we will give you a foundation in science and the frameworks in practical and applied exercise science.
General Education Requirements (37 hours)
ÌýGraduation Requirements (4 hours)
General Education RequirementsÌý
Technical Requirements (19 Hours)
- BIO 281Ìý-ÌýHuman Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIO 282Ìý-ÌýHuman Anatomy and Physiology II
- MAT 116Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Statistics
- PSY 100Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Psychology
Choose one of the following science courses (4 hours):
- PHY 115Ìý-ÌýEnergy, Technology and Society
- PHY 121Ìý-ÌýGeneral Physics I
- CHE 101Ìý-ÌýFundamentals of General and Inorganic Chemistry
- or
- CHE 103Ìý-ÌýGeneral Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis I
- and
- CHE 103LÌý-ÌýGeneral Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis Laboratory I
Major Requirements (32 Hours)
- HES 201Ìý-ÌýIntroduction to Exercise Science
- HES 288Ìý-ÌýNutrition
- HES 300Ìý-ÌýExercise Physiology
- HES 303Ìý-ÌýBiomechanics/Kinesiology
- HES 320Ìý-ÌýExercise Evaluation and Prescription
- HES 321Ìý-ÌýInternship in Health and Exercise Science
- HES 330Ìý-ÌýPsychology of Sport and Physical Activity
- HES 385Ìý-ÌýResearch in Health Exercise and Sport Science
- HES 422Ìý-ÌýInternship in Health and Exercise Science II
Choose six hours from the following:- HES 383Ìý-ÌýSpecial Topics
- HES 408Ìý-ÌýCritical Issues in Sport
- HES 409Ìý-ÌýSports Law
- HES 431Ìý-ÌýSports Nutrition
- HES 436Ìý-ÌýClinical Exercise Physiology
- HES 438Ìý-ÌýEssentials of Strength and Conditioning
- HES 451Ìý-ÌýHuman Sexuality
- HES 452GÌý-ÌýGlobal Health & Ethics
- HES 453Ìý-ÌýApplication of Theories
- Other advisor approved HES 400+-level class or EXS/MPH 500+-level class Hours: 3
General Elective Credits
Exercise Science students must complete 28 semester hours of advisor-approved electives to achieve a minimum of 120Ìýcredit hours, including both the general education and major courses in fullfillment of the bachelor of science degree.
Total Credit Hours - Minimum 120 hours
On occasion, technical and/or program requirements may also meet specific General EducationÌýrequirements. Please confer with your program advisor to determine which courses, if any, may be counted accordingly.
All bachelor's degree programs at Lenoir-Rhyne require at least 120 credit hours. If, in combination, General Education, technical, and program requirements do not generate at least 120Ìýhours, additional credits must be completed to achieve 120Ìýhours. These classes may be general electives, or a student may complete a minor or additional major.