
Digital Marketing, B.A.

Learn to build brands people love. Help shape the future of how companies connect with their customers.

Digital marketers learn to be nimble thinkers, skilled in both the art of persuasive communication and the science of data analytics. Our program gives you a deep background in both, along with helping you build the intuition you’ll need to blend them into an effective strategy. Whatever you’re passionate about — finance, healthcare, non-profit work, fashion, retail, travel, education — you name it, there’s a digital marketing career out there for you.

Digital marketing has overtaken traditional marketing at companies across the globe. Mobile ad spending is growing and counts for $220 billion annually, and by 2026, it is predicted that more than 68 percent of ad dollars will be spent on digital compared to 32 percent on traditional media. Consumers both buy and research products and services online, which means advertisers are trying to reach them online — researching a product/service, directions to a local store, reviews and more.

To create this program, we consulted with Fortune 500 companies and successful startups to find out what skills they most want to see in their entry-level marketing hires—and what skills traditional marketing programs don’t teach.

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Program Overview

As part of our liberal arts foundation, you will learn how to think critically and communicate effectively both orally and in writing. You’ll learn skills that are essential for success in college, in the workplace and in life.

Our digital marketing program has built-in technical training, so you’ll learn how to collect and interpret the data you use to build campaigns. And our courses are constantly updated to reflect the ever-shifting ways that consumers, brands and influencers use the web.

  • Social Media Marketing

    The average consumer spends two and a half hours per day on social media sites. You will learn how to effectively use social media to move consumers to action. In order to be a successful marketer, you must be able to plan a campaign that aligns with strategic goals, execute using the appropriate channels and tactics and measure the success or failure of your efforts.

  • Email Marketing

    Email marketing is vital to modern businesses, and a primary tool in any skilled marketer’s toolkit. You’ll learn how to craft successful email marketing campaigns for sales, engagement and activation. You’ll learn how to write emails that drive customers to take desired actions, and how to structure campaigns for maximum effect. You’ll also build your own marketing campaign.

  • SEO and SEM

    When you’re looking to buy something, how do you find it? Often, you’ll ask Google. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) help companies by making sure they are among the first options when someone does initial research. You’ll learn how to perform SEO and SEM activities to boost visibility and drive growth. You’ll work with Google AdWords and build strategies to promote a website.

  • Marketing Analytics

    Marketing professionals today have access to incredible amounts of data. The ability to use this data is what differentiates successful marketing efforts from failed ones. Y will learn how to analyze digital customer behavior data using a range of tools, and use that data to test marketing hypotheses and improve customer acquisition.

  • Viral and Organic Growth

    “Going Viral” is the goal of most web-based marketing content. Companies that generate content that can spread through the internet organically are the most successful in growing their brand. We will teach you what drives people to share content and how to build content that is shareable and “meme-worthy.” You will understand what drives viral sharing, and learn how to facilitate it.

Learning Inside & Outside the Classroom

The College of Business and Economics provides majors access to many out-of-class opportunities in business, including student organizationsstudy abroad, community outreach and undergraduate research within a course or independently with a faculty mentor.


Lenoir-Rhyne is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

The B.A. in Digital Marketing is not accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) due to the recent start of the program. We are in the process of collecting data for future accreditation.


Major Requirements

Earning two or more majors in Charles M. Snipes College of Business andEconomics

Students seeking two or more majors in the Charles M. Snipes College of Business & Economics must complete 15 hours of unique course work in the Major Requirements section of each major. All required course work for the major must be completed. The unique course work will come from the required courses and elective courses prescribed for the additional major. Some courses may require substitutions approved by the dean.